Tag, I’m It
Chris Anderson has “tagged” me and I’m it. Well, this was fun:
1. One book that changed your life
The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible by B. B. Warfield. This was one of the first books I read after my grad school days at Clemson. Through this book, Warfield instilled in me a love for the Bible and a love for theology all at the same time. It was just thrilling to read and discover the rich doctrine of the Scriptures. I have enjoyed teaching others many of the things found in this book.
2. One book that you’ve read more than once
The Disciplined Life by Richard Taylor. I think I picked this little book up at the Wilds several years ago. I found it to be very challenging, helpful, and worth reading every once in a while. In fact, I probably need to give it another read sometime soon.
The Christian Ministry by Charles Bridges is another book worthy of multiple reads but I have only read it once.
3. One book you’d want on a deserted island
Let’s face it, I would not last one month on a deserted island. But given some way to sustain myself for long periods of time, I think I would pick the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit by C. H. Spurgeon.
4. One book that made you laugh
Eccentric Preachers by C. H. Spurgeon. Most of the books I read are not what you would call “knee slappers” but I do remember this book being pretty entertaining.
5. One book that made you cry
Introduction to Topology by Gramelin and Greene. Yikes! What ever possessed me to take Topology my senior year at BJU? Sure, I was a math major but what was I thinking!?! I still have nightmares about this class and, wow, what a book. Don’t be fooled by the cartoon on the cover!
6. One book that you wish had been written
A decent exegetical commentary on the Psalms. The Psalms are so rich theologically and messianically but I haven’t seen any work that treats them in any detail. The closest probably are the three volumes in the Word series but even that set just skims the surface.
Maybe even better would be any commentary by Mark Minnick. Surely there is a Phil Johnson type running around Mt. Calvary or the BJU Seminary that could take on the task to edit one of Minnick’s book series. Romans, Ephesians, Revelation, John – take your pick!
7. One book that you wish had never been written
I know Chris already mentioned Grace Awakening, so I guess this is cheating, but I can’t think of another book that fits so well in this category. Selecting What Love is this? is such a boring softball pick that it hardly needs mentioning.
8. One book you are currently reading
The Drama of Doctrine by Kevin Vanhoozer. I just recently blogged about this book. See below.
9. One book you’ve been meaning to read
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. I don’t read a lot of fiction but I have heard good things about this book, especially as it relates to spiritual things. This book is on my bookshelf just asking to be read. Besides, it's a classic.
I would also like to read the 2 volume biography of Hudson Taylor by Howard and Mrs. Taylor. This biography comes highly recommended by both my previous pastor and Dr. Minnick.
10. Tag someone, or five, take your pick
I'll tag Brian McCrorie.