The Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University

This past Sunday (10/5) was Jonathan Edwards’ 305th birthday. In commemoration of that event, Jason Button posted an article on Theosource regarding the launch of WJE Online 2.0 by The Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University. Jason's blog highlights the many works of Jonathan Edwards currently available on that site. These works are all fully searchable by keyword, scripture reference, date, or a host of other variables. It is a virtual treasure trove for online research of Edwards’ writings and sermons. Ever wonder what Edwards preached as his text in his farewell sermon at Northampton? Not only can you read the complete sermon but you can also find a picture of his notes!
There are all sorts of interesting things at this site. Perhaps the most interesting to me is the complete online availability of Edwards’ Blank Bible. This Bible consisted of a small King James Version interleaved with much larger blank pieces of paper on which Edward wrote his notes as he read through his Bible. Not only are all 6000+ entries available online, there are also pictures! As you can tell I love the pictures! Click on the photo to examine the picture at full size.

In addition to the sermons and writings, the site hosts biographical and chronological information concerning his life, a sample curriculum for high school teachers interested in presenting the life of Jonathan Edwards to their students, and, something I so wish I had available to me when I was in the Northampton area a few years ago – a tour page with directions to famous Jonathan Edwards sites. I was up there in the dead of winter. It was freezing cold outside (in the single digits!) and it was very hard to explore, especially when I didn’t know where anything was. The best I got was this picture of the intersection in Northampton. The Edwards lived on King Street.

If you are at all interested in Jonathan Edwards, check out this site. You will not be disappointed.
Labels: Jonathan Edwards